Friday 4 January 2008

Information for the People who Cry About Social Networking Websites...

MySpace, Facebook, Bebo... They're all as secure as each other...

People who complain about them NOT being secure are looking for someone to blame. On every single one of those sites there are options to hide all your information to people other than your friends.

But what if, I hear you ask, you don't want even your FRIENDS to see your page?

Simple answer? Get the hell off the internet and read a book. They are called Networking sites because you are meant to talk to people, meet new people, find old friends...


MySpace: Emo girls striking stupid poses and crap indie bands thinking they're the next internet phenomenon
Bebo: Chavs with nothing better to do than to MSN each other pictures of themselves naked
Facebook: Intelligent networking led by keeping track of your current friends, not by making new ones because "u luk well fit in ur pic"...


Read the Rant...