Sunday 30 December 2007

Shittly Designed Websites

Why the hell would anyone bother spending millions and millions on designing, promoting and publishing a website when all most people will ever see of it is this:

I really do not see the point. Yes, these sites are all free to use but have you ever researched how much money they make each day? Facebook has been valued at anywhere between $1bn and $15bn while MySpace has been valued between $550m and $65bn!

Even if you take the smaller values that's still shit loads... So why the fuck can't either of them really get their sites to work reliably?

They both say it's the amount of users trying to log in at the same time.


Why are they liars? Because, on average, there is the same amount of people logged in and online on those websites at ANY time of day, commenting, uploading photos, adding music, showing off their minges... The recent overload of "Christmas Photos" is also a complete joke as, in theory, both sites were designed to be able to handle 6 times the amount of activity they have been built for...

So again, I ask why can't they build a reliable site?

They both say it's to do with bandwidth.


Have you both seen how much you are worth? BUY MORE! No service provider will turn down the chance to host and service Facebook or MySpace! Stop being so tight!

In conclusion, it is because they are simply writing websites for a technology that doesn't exist yet. The internet is growing faster than it is developing and it simply can't keep up. More people get online every day, more websites offer shit to download and add on... There just isn't enough room.

What we need to do is get some of the shit websites off the internet, like those crap ones people make of their families (yeah, like THAT'S a really safe thing to do because of course there is NO-ONE psycho enough to track you all down and kill you...)

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